To Remember

When I was in middle school my vice principal, and a talented girl in the grade below me, put together a moving skit during our annual Remembrance Day assembly. It was the reading of letters between a daughter at home, and her father at war. To remember is key for the Canadian spirit, for our culture, and to ground us to home. To remember means that we celebrate the successes of the past, learn from the tragedies of history, and honour the path that made the country we live in the place it is today. We remember and honour the many people that took part in that path to give us home.

In a beautiful symbol of remembrance, Stuart McLean’s Vinyl Café from 2012 is a beautiful listen in which he discusses the memory and story of his friend David Kilberg, a Holocaust survivor. The link to this is below:

Aquassure honours all the veterans that have fought for our freedoms.

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